Directions to KROHNE Messtechnik GmbH, Duisburg

Address and Contact:

KROHNE Messtechnik GmbH
Ludwig-Krohne-Straße 5
47058 Duisburg

Phone: +49 203 301 0

Directions as PDF

Via public transport from Duisburg main railway station:

by cab

  • Cabs can be found at the station at both exits. The ride takes about 10 minutes.

by bus

  • At the train station, take bus line 931 to the Ruhrau stop (no change, approx. 10 - 15 minutes).

Buses run every half hour, see local displays or for departures.

Approach by car/truck

via motorway A40 or A2/A3:

  • At the Kaiserberg interchange, take the exit “Kaiserberg”.

  • Turn right onto Carl-Benz-Straße in the direction of Mülheim.

  • At the T-junction turn left into Ruhrorter Straße. You now drive along the Ruhr until you reach the next major intersection with traffic lights.

  • At the intersection, turn left into Meidericher Straße. Once you have passed under the bridge, you will already see the KROHNE premises with blue painted buildings on the left side.

  • After 300m turn left into Ludwig-Krohne-Straße.

  • Cars use the first driveway on the left and park before the barrier. From there, please go to the reception in the main building (the large one with the glass front).

  • Trucks and suppliers take the second driveway on the left side behind the main building.

via the motorway A59, approaching from Duisburg-Nord/Dinslaken:

  • Take the exit 10 “Duisburg-Duissern”

  • At the exit, turn left into Kardinal-Galen-Strasse

  • At the traffic circle turn left into Aakerfährstraße/Wintgensstraße

  • After approx. 1 km turn left at the T-junction into Meidericher Straße

  • Cars use the first driveway on the left and park before the barrier. From there, please go to the reception in the main building (the large one with the glass front).

  • Trucks and suppliers take the second driveway on the left side behind the main building. Please check in at the barrier.

via the A59 motorway, approaching from Duisburg-Süd/Düsseldorf:

  • Take the exit 10 “Duisburg-Duissern”

  • At the exit, turn left onto Saarstrasse/ Oranienstrasse

  • At the traffic circle drive straight into Aakerfährstraße/Wintgensstraße

  • After approx. 1 km turn left at the T-junction into Meidericher Straße

  • Cars use the first driveway on the left and park before the barrier. From there, please go to the reception in the main building (the large one with the glass front).

  • Trucks and suppliers take the second driveway on the left side behind the main building. Please check in at the barrier.

from Düsseldorf Airport (approx. 30 km):

  • From the airport, take the A44 motorway in the direction of Mönchengladbach/ Düsseldorf-Zentrum/D-Messe

  • Take the next exit “D-Stockum/ Duisburg B8” and turn right onto the B8 motorway (yellow signs)

  • Follow the two-lane B8 (which becomes motorway A59) for approx. 25km

  • Take exit 10 “Duisburg-Duissern”, and turn left onto Saarstrasse/ Oranienstrasse

  • At the traffic circle drive straight into Aakerfährstraße/Wintgensstraße

  • After approx. 1 km turn left at the T-junction into Meidericher Straße

  • After approx. 300 meters turn right into Ludwig-Krohne-Straße

  • Cars use the first driveway on the left and park before the barrier. From there, please go to the reception in the main building (the large one with the glass front).

  • Trucks and suppliers take the second driveway on the left side behind the main building. Please check in at the barrier.

If you have any problems, please contact your KROHNE contact person.

We wish you a pleasant journey!

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