myDevice - Smart Service Tools

Tool suite tailored to the needs of users and operators of KROHNE process instrumentation​

The comprehensive range of smart service tools makes it a lot easier for you to commission, verify and monitor devices in the field and give you convenient access to all device-related assets. A training and tutorial portfolio for streaming and downloading rounds off the suite to help you resolve your questions about process instrumentation.​

myDevice tool suite at a glance​
  • Wireless parametrisation and commissioning of field devices

  • Verification with highest test depth without process interruption​

  • Reliable information on device health​

  • Automated partial proof testing of safety loops for safe operation of safety-relevant systems and extension of the inspection intervals ​

  • Detailed reports for proof test documentation of safety loops (IEC 61508, 61511)​

  • Device-specific assets via serial number, NFC or Identification Link acc. To IEC 61406​

  • Trainings and step-by-step video tutorials

myDevice briefly explained - The comprehensive suite of smart service tools for the entire lifecycle of your measuring point

Automated partial proof testing

Partial proof testing to increase overall plant safety and to reduce proof test efforts​

Learn more about automated partial proof testing​

OPTICHECK technology built-in

Optimal utilisation of integrated smart technologies in KROHNE devices for automated and regular device verification​

Learn more about OPTICHECK technology built-in​

Overview myDevice Smart Service Tools

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