Juice production in sugar production

Handling of raw sugar beets

In juice production the raw sugar beet arrives at the mill yards, often delivered by the farmer direct. Quantities are monitored using a weighbridge, and the beet is mechanically unloaded, and stored in large open bays. After further washing, the beet are cut into v-shaped strips known as ‘cosettes’ in the slicer. The sugar extraction starts in the cossette scalder, where the strips are heated in water, and are then sent to an extraction tower. Water at 70°C is poured through the tower to extract the sugar and produce ‘raw juice’, which is sent on to the purification stages to extract the sugar. Further liquid is extracted from the cossettes by means of screw presses and these are then dried by hot air. Usually they are formed into pellets and sold for use in livestock feed and pet food.

The flow and temperature of the circulating liquids are monitored by the obstructionless OPTIFLUX electromagnetic flowmeters, and OPTITEMP probes and temperature transmitters. OPTIBAR pressure transmitters are used to monitor pressure in the water lines and the cossette juice extraction tower. Non-contact OPTIWAVE radar level transmitters can also measure the level of the mixture in the extraction tower.


  • Process control


  • Process control


  • Handling of high solid content


  • Handling of dirty and volatile environment


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