KROHNE supports joint project for Applied Artificial Intelligence in Duisburg

Duisburg, April 3rd, 2023: A new "Centre for Applied Artificial Intelligence Duisburg (ZaKI.D)" has been proposed by the city of Duisburg for funding under the 5-Sites Programme. The 5-sites programme provides funding for municipalities that are particularly affected by the phase-out of coal and want to implement forward-looking projects for structural change. ZaKI.D aims to make it easier for many small and medium-sized companies to integrate artificial intelligence into their business and products. As a result, the Department of Economic Affairs aims to create around 30 project-related and 500 external, new and well-paid jobs in Duisburg. The project was the first in Duisburg to be awarded the necessary three stars by the Structural Strengthening Council, the evaluation committee in the 5 Sites Programme. The project will now create a centre for AI in the Wedau-Nord district.

The Fraunhofer Institute for Microelectronic Circuits and Systems IMS, the University of Duisburg-Essen and KROHNE initiated the ZaKI.D joint project with the innovative approach of so-called "embedded AI". This is a technology that offers advantages especially in industrial plants. "Compared to conventional internet-based AI technologies, embedded AI allows, among other things, data from machines to be converted directly into relevant information. This creates a higher level of data protection against unauthorised access and reaction times become shorter," explains Wolfgang Gröting, head of the Fraunhofer inHaus Centre and coordinator of ZaKI.D.

Attila Bilgic, CEO of the KROHNE Group, adds: "The embedded scenario offers exactly these two decisive advantages for industry, especially with regard to process reliability. Fast reactions that can be relied on 100% are crucial. The latest scientific findings also show many positive effects on almost all national and international sustainability goals (also known as SDGs, Sustainable Development Goals). Any data that is not stored in centralised repositories around the world helps to save energy.

With ZaKI.D, the University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE) is further expanding its commitment in the field of embedded AI. Start-ups and companies from the region can build on the university's research results and develop innovative products and solutions. The UDE offers its students courses on various AI topics. ZaKI.D will expand the range of courses in the field of embedded AI. The course content will be made available to both company founders and employees of companies in the region, as innovative AI products can only be developed by trained minds.

Michael Rüscher, head of Duisburg's Department of Economic Affairs, is keen to ensure that small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are given a special focus: "The joint project is of immense importance in ensuring that SMEs and the skilled trades, which are an important economic driver in Duisburg, benefit from structural change," says Rüscher. SMEs often do not have the financial resources to maintain large and expensive computer systems. Through the efficient approach of embedded AI, SMEs and craftsmen in Duisburg can optimise their products and services. In this way, Duisburg's SMEs can play a pioneering role in the digitalisation of Duisburg's economy.

With the support of the NRW Ministry of Economic Affairs, the four-year project will now be applied for at the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA, Eschborn) and could start shortly after the funding decision.

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