
From local manufacturer to global company

While today being a global supplier for process instrumentation and automation, KROHNE started as a small enterprise a century ago: Ludwig Krohne began to produce variable area flowmeters in Duisburg, Germany, in 1921. The main customers were companies from the metal industry in the Ruhr area who needed measuring devices for hardening furnaces.

The small family enterprise moved from rented facilities to company-owned buildings in 1936. As Ludwig Krohne and his son Karl both lost their lives during and in the aftermath of the second world war, Ludwig's wife Anna run the company in the post-war years.

In 1949, Anna Krohne asked her 28 year old grandson Kristian Rademacher-Dubbick to join the company. Although he had to sacrifice his profession as a painter for this new task, he soon took over responsibilities and under his leadership KROHNE – with an initial workforce of only 8 people – grew and became a leading innovative company for measuring devices. His unwavering will and his unconventional ideas helped to solve many application-specific problems of our customers, which has been the focus of our activities ever since.

Starting in the 1950s, many German companies began to enter new markets abroad, and KROHNE consequently followed its customers. Over seven decades, our strong commitment abroad has led to a workforce that is 80% based outside Germany.

In 1979, Kristian Rademacher-Dubbick relinquished his position of Managing Director and became Chairman of the Advisory Board. He could still be seen regularly in many international KROHNE subsidiaries, and he gladly followed the outstanding development of the company. Kristian Rademacher-Dubbick died in 2014 at the age of 92 years in Duisburg.

His successors have continued his heritage: the portfolio has been continuously expanded with new measurement technologies, engineered solutions and project lifecycle services to meet the changing requirements of our customers. We have established local contacts in over 100 countries, and built a network of production facilities to serve our customers in all regions of the world. New markets and industries were opened up, and KROHNE was rewarded with large international instrumentation projects.

KROHNE has advanced from an instrument manufacturer to a provider of industrial measurement products, solutions and services, while remaining an independent company owned by the Rademacher-Dubbick family.

In January 2020, Michael Rademacher-Dubbick, who successfully led the KROHNE Group for 25 years, became chairman of the advisory board. The KROHNE Group is now led by Dr Attila Michael Bilgic (CEO), Dr Marco Rudelli (CSO) and Ingo Wald (CFO). The generational change ensures that the KROHNE Group will continue to be successfully positioned to meet the challenges of the market in the future. 2021 marks the 100th anniversary of KROHNE, and the aim of the new management team is to strengthen the foundation and to set the course for the next 100 years.

The founder family Ludwig and Anna Krohne

KROHNE Messtechnik GmbH facilities in Duisburg, Germany, in 1961. This factory building was located in the Blumenthalstraße and does no longer exist.

Anna Krohne asked her grandson Kristian Rademacher-Dubbick to join the company when he was just 28 years old. Although he had no technical education, he accepted and succesfully led the company for over 40 years.

Founded in 1961, KROHNE Altometer in The Netherlands was the first subsidiary of KROHNE outside Germany. The building and the calibration tower both show the old KROHNE logo.

An early picture of KROHNE S.A.S. in Romans-sur-Isère, France. Since the founding in the 1960s, the facilities have been extended with a second factory hall and an office building.

Around 1970, KROHNE started first activities in the USA. The picture shows the entrance of KROHNE, Inc. in Peabody, MA where the headquarter was located for over 25 years before it moved to Beverly, MA in 2017.

An aerial picture of the KROHNE Messtechnik GmbH in Duisburg, ca. 1987. As business grew, more space was needed, and the company moved to its present location in 1970. Although it has 11,000 m2/ 118,400 sqft of production floor, it is by far not the largest production site of KROHNE.

Opening ceremony of Chengde Rehe KROHNE Meters Co. Ltd., China, 1991. This was the second Joint Venture of KROHNE in China, the first was founded in 1987. Both partnerships still exist.

The entrance of KROHNE Ltd. in Wellingborough, United Kingdom, in 1997. Founded in 1993, this company has since been our main production and center of excellence for Coriolis meters.

KROHNE MARSHALL PVT LTD. In Pune, India, in 2006. This partnership has been existing since 1982 and has supported hundreds of instrumentation projects of all sizes in the emerging region of South Asia.

The production hall of KROHNE Measurement Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., in Shanghai, China, in 2006. The large pipe in the picture is part of the flow calibration rig for flowmeters up to DN3000/120“, an identical twin of our rig in Dordrecht, The Netherlands.

Two generations: Michael Rademacher-Dubbick and his father Kristian Rademacher-Dubbick (from left to right) in 2008. Michael led the KROHNE Group as CEO from 1994 to 2019. In 2020, he became Chairman of the Advisory board.

KROHNE South Africa facilities in Midrand in 2011. The first subsidiary on the African continent was founded in 1978.

The team of KROHNE Malaysia in 2019. Southeast Asia has become a very important market for KROHNE since many of the mega projects in instrumentation in recent years were carried out here.

KROHNE milestones in measuring technology, industry-specific solutions and services

LUDWIG KROHNE & SOHN is founded in Duisburg, Germany: Ludwig Krohne starts manufacturing variable area flowmeters to measure the flow of air, gases and liquids
The first electromagnetic flowmeter (EMF) for industrial process measurement is launched
Precision forming of cylindrical glass tubes into high accuracy tapered measuring tubes
First inductive transducers for variable area flowmeters that allow for remote transmission of readings
Production of mechanical level transmitters for measuring liquids in tanks and containers begins
Level indicator with float and magnetic coupling
Introduction of an accurate conversion method for variable area flowmeters, subsequently adopted as VDI Code
Construction of the world's largest calibration rig for volume flow in Sliedrecht, The Netherlands
Development of the pulsed DC field for electromagnetic flowmeters
Development of double-path ultrasonic flowmeters
Construction of a larger and more accurate volume flow calibration rig in Sliedrecht, The Netherlands
First delivery of an ultrasonic flowmeter to Shell for crude oil measurements
First EMF with measuring tube made of oxide ceramics and sintered platinum electrodes
Development and production of Coriolis mass flowmeters starts
Presentation of the first FMCW radar level transmitter for process tanks, pioneering the use of radar level measurement technology in process applications
First straight-tube Coriolis mass flowmeter
First TDR guided radar level transmitter
First electromagnetic flowmeter for partially filled pipes (TIDALFLUX)
First ultrasonic custody transfer meter for liquids (ALTOSONIC V)
Introduction of the first electromagnetic flow meter for beverage filling machines (BATCHFLUX), which since has become the benchmark in this area of application
Installation of the world’s most precise volumetric calibration rig for flowmeters up to DN 3000/120" with a certified accuracy of 0.013 % in Dordrecht, The Netherlands
First 2-wire FMCW radar level meter
First 2-wire electromagnetic flowmeter with full process application compatibility and intelligent power optimization
New generation of Coriolis mass flowmeters with straight measuring tubes (OPTIMASS series)
First 3-beam ultrasonic flowmeter for the chemical industry (UFM 3030)
New generation of OPTIFLUX electromagnetic flowmeters with built-in diagnostics for process, accuracy and meter integrity
New generation of non-contact and guided radar level transmitters with a unique wizard-driven operating concept (OPTIWAVE and OPTIFLEX series)
First presentation of analysis instruments for the water industry
First 2-wire vortex flowmeter with integrated pressure and temperature compensation (OPTISWIRL 4070 C)
KROHNE acquires Swedish temperature company INOR who invented the headmounted transmitter for temperature assemblies in 1974
First 12-chord ultrasonic gas flowmeter for custody transfer applications with compensating and diagnostic functions (ALTOSONIC V12)
Launch of complete analysis portfolio with digital analytical sensors and systems for wastewater treatment plants (OPTISENS and OPTISYS series)
Launch of turbidity measuring system with unique cuvette calibration and ultrasonic cleaning for easy calibration and low maintenance costs
Introduction of the Drop antenna for OPTIWAVE radar level transmitters: its ellipsoidal shape prevents from product deposits in dusty or humid atmospheres
First EMF with rectangular cross-section to allow for installation without straight inlets and outlets (WATERFLUX)
First temperature transmitter with dual sensor input in 4-wire connection
KROHNE is the first manufacturer to offer a standardised operating and service concept for flowmeters and analytical instruments
Implementation of SmartSense insulation resistance monitoring to detect cracks in the thermowell
Analytical sensor range specially suited for food & beverage processes is introduced
Introduction of OPTIBAR P 3050 C compact pressure transmitter
Unique PP/PTFE Wave Horn antennas for the use of OPTIWAVE radar level transmitters in corrosive environments
KROHNE introduces SMARTPAT: the first digital sensor portfolio with integrated transmitter technology and direct connection to control system via 4…20 mA/HART®
First ultrasonic flowmeter for biogas applications with direct measurement of methane content (OPTISONIC 7300 C Biogas)
Release of OPTIBAR DP 7060 differential pressure transmitter
First OPTISWIRL vortex flowmeter with integrated gross and net heat measurement for hot water (condensate) and steam
Complete OPTIBAR series of pressure transmitters, diaphragm seals, primary elements and accessories is released
Total 3D linearisation for every OPTIBAR DP transmitter established as standard
New 24 and 80 GHz radar level transmitters added to OPTIWAVE series, each designed for specific industry needs
New OPTIFLEX series of TDR guided radar level transmitters designed for specific industry needs
NFC and Bluetooth® communication for temperature transmitters
New solutions for safe and efficient pipeline management (PipePatrol) are launched
KROHNE and SAMSON introduce Joint Venture FOCUS-ON for the development, production and marketing of autonomous actuators for the process industry 4.0
myDevice Suite of Smart Service Tools for the entire lifecycle of a measuring point is launched
OPTIBAR PM 3050 compact pressure transmitter for pressure and level applications is launched
KROHNE introduces Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) option for all OPTIMASS x400 Coriolis flowmeters
Introduction of AF-E 400 small and compact EMF for utilities and industrial automation
OPTIMASS becomes the first series of Coriolis mass flowmeters on the market allowing secure wireless access via Bluetooth® or remotely via HART® even in safety-related applications
KROHNE celebrates their 100th anniversary under the sign of creativity: "100 years of KROHNE. 100 years in the Spirit of Creativity."
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