
Meorga Leverkusen 2025

KROHNE heißt Sie herzlich willkommen auf der Meorga in Leverkusen! Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch!

Event information

Apr 9, 2025

Industry areas
Chemical industry


Safety Solutions

The safety of people, the environment and process plants is not only top priority for our customers. We also focus all our activities on the protection of your employees and facilities. To this end, we develop and produce safety solutions in four areas: Functional Safety (SIL), Explosion Protection, Cyber Security and Occupational as well as Process Safety. We are looking forward to discuss these topics with you directly at the fair.

Intelligent sensors from KROHNE – ready for the IIoT

The IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) is the driver for the Process Industry 4.0. It links the process, its sensors and actuators to the automation and IT systems. This opens up unimagined insights and diverse possibilities for process optimisation. To exploit these possibilities, KROHNE relies on standardised, open interfaces. Using a live demonstrator, our experts will show you examples from the areas of Ethernet-APL, OT/IT Bridge as well as cloud-based software solutions.

Automated partial proof testing

Partial proof testing in general offers great opportunities to overall increase plant safety and reduction of proof test efforts. Since a few years it is also possible to partially proof test sensing elements, such as flowmeters, pressure meters, etc. At the trade fair booth, we will use a demonstrator to show you in detail how these partial proof tests can now also be carried out completely automatically and how operators can use these options to optimize safety loops acc. to IEC 61508.

Flow measurement

Flowmeters, flow controllers and flow accessories
 - For all industrial process applications
 - From cost-effective mechanical indicators to very advanced flow instrumentation
 - Maintenance and service tools, flow computers and other accessories for flow measurement

Level measurement

Transmitters, switches, indicators and accessories for level measurement
- For continuous level and interface measurement or point level detection
- Contact or non-contact measurement of liquids, pastes, granulates, powders, solids, bulk goods etc.
- For standard or demanding applications with advanced requirements, hazardous areas and Functional Safety (SIL)


Smart meter valve for flow, pressure and process control
Integrated control valve, flowmeter, pressure and temperature sensors combined with extensive computing power in one single device
Full process control on valve positioning, flowrate, pressure or external process parameters with unique diagnostics
Seamless integration into all automation systems, e.g. 4…20 mA, HART®, PROFINET, Ethernet or Wi-Fi
Simple engineering, installation and operation whilst increasing control quality and plant uptime

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